Takeaways from POOD

Notes from Sandi Metz ā€œIntroduction to Practical Object-Orientedā€ Object-Oriented Design Object-oriented design (OOD) is about managing dependencies Objects shouldnā€™t know too much about each other Design is an art of arranging code Write code for the feature youā€™re developing today, but also changeable in the future You canā€™t predict what changes will be needed in your code, merely that change will occur Tools for a OOD āž”ļø principles and patterns Design principles [S]ingle responsibility [O]pen-closed [L]iskov substitution [I]nterface segregation [D]ependency inversion We can look to quantify ā€œgood codeā€ Design patterns Name common problem and solve the problems in common ways Patterns are like a tool, itā€™s the user who must master the pattern/tool Act of Design ā€œProgrammerā€™s past experience does not predict the futureā€ This especially hits home for me as Iā€™m learning....

April 18, 2020 Ā· 2 min Ā· 266 words Ā· Me