Running Docker on Apple Silicon
tags: docker apple development I was recently asked to help with containerizing our local development. Using docker compose up has always been a strong desire for everyone, but like most things, the priority has never been there. However, with some recent changes, it’s gotten some attention. One thing that I somehow stumbled upon early in my Docker setup was the enabling of a setting: You can find the Docker release notes about this here....
Using Cloudflare Pages
While taking some time off from work I decided I’d like to get my blog back in working order. There’s nothing like thinking about what’s the best way to make publishing my thoughts as quickly as possible (aside from using social media). Previously, I was using GitLab and Netlify to host and manage my blog. There was some awkwardness with the deployment pipeline where I needed to have a a GitLab yml file to help with the deployment steps....
Connecting Brother HL-L2340D to Eero Pro 6
Backstory I recently upgraded my network from an Airport Extreme to the Eero Pro 6. One of the things I learned while researching how to setup my network was to keep the exact same name and password as my previous setup. Most of the devices would just magically connect. This process went exactly as described and everything just worked. This included my Brother printer. At some point I lost the ability to print from my phone (AirPrint), which is my primary way to print....
Handling nils in CSV's using Ruby
How to handle nils in CSV data Recently I’ve had to work a lot with CSV’s and I’ve learned the hard way that the data within these aren’t always what you expect. Why would there be no number associated to a name or part? Why no name for a number or part and so on. Below is the strategy I’ve adopted to handle this case. Fetching the data We want the headers to return as symbols because I don’t trust the position of the rows in the future....
Takeaways from POOD
Notes from Sandi Metz “Introduction to Practical Object-Oriented” Object-Oriented Design Object-oriented design (OOD) is about managing dependencies Objects shouldn’t know too much about each other Design is an art of arranging code Write code for the feature you’re developing today, but also changeable in the future You can’t predict what changes will be needed in your code, merely that change will occur Tools for a OOD ➡️ principles and patterns Design principles [S]ingle responsibility [O]pen-closed [L]iskov substitution [I]nterface segregation [D]ependency inversion We can look to quantify “good code” Design patterns Name common problem and solve the problems in common ways Patterns are like a tool, it’s the user who must master the pattern/tool Act of Design “Programmer’s past experience does not predict the future” This especially hits home for me as I’m learning....